The Giver/White Mountains Blogpost 3

Chapter 6—The Castle of the Red Tower
As Will, Henry and Beanpole continue their journey to the White Mountains, the boys gain new understandings and are exposed to a variety of emotions. In well structured paragraphs, please answer the following questions:-
1. How were the Tripods able to control the people?
2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped.
3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.
Mrs. Narsiman, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Fischer
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For The Giver group...

The Task:
1. Choose two people from your group.
2. Read blog post 1.
3. Next, write a comment on each blog post - your comment should contain information related to ideas that you had during the discussion and how reading the blog post has added to your understanding of the novel.
Please note - The comment places on each blog post should be 5 or more sentences. QUALITY PLEASE. Check spelling, grammar and word choice.
If you are unable to write a comment on the person's blog (if they have used a non-blogger template for the background ) please write your comments on your own blog.
If you are unable to write a comment on the person's blog (if they have used a non-blogger template for the background ) please write your comments on your own blog.
The whole aim of Literature Circle discussions is very similar to our School wide Learning Results:
* Live Ethically
* Think Creatively
* Collaborate Constructively
* Learn Enthusiastically
* Communicate Effectively.
If people in your group have not completed their Blog Posts, please give them a gentle nudge - you will need their posts to place comments on. This assignment is graded.:)
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